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Old 03-28-2012, 07:20 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Damn Andy, you might as well have a throne for you to sit in at the shop!

I ran my Live well and fish finder on 1 battery on my Stealth and it lasted me pretty much all day, sometimes two trips totaling 6-7hours each. Keep in mind, you only need to keep the live well running when you actually have bait! Duh.

Second, regarding the bilge pump. I would go with the hand pump because it will require you NOT to have to penetrate the hull and the only reason it won't work is user error. What happen if in an emergency you take on water and your connections are messed up, or your battery is dead or for whatever other reason, the pump doesn't come on? Also, if your bilge pump is set up aft, and you go bow heavy, your pump is doing you no favors.

It's also must more cost effective and takes up almost no space. If you're concerned about space, a bilge SPONGE is another good option. It's not as effective but can save you in a squeeze.
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