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Old 03-10-2012, 10:24 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 44
“His influence on the commission has been marginalized,” Hueso claimed.

Richards could very well lose his position as president regardless.
His fellow commissioners on Wednesday quietly repealed the rules that govern how presidents are chosen. That 4-1 vote, with Richards opposing, sets the stage for commissioners to potential demote Richards at its May 23 meeting.

“He wasn’t elected by a majority,” Hueso said. “That’s a loophole that needs corrected.” The surprise move was made long after large numbers of hunters and fisherman, who spent the morning praising Richards and urging him to stand firm, had left the meeting.

Tell us about it.
Todays new question in the UT.
Does it matter to you that a California fish and game commissioner legally killed and ate a mountain lion in another state?
1. Yes
2. No
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