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Old 03-09-2012, 04:57 PM   #1
vincentek9's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: So Cal
Posts: 532
T.Shark towing company 3.9.12

nobody wanted to join me in some rockfishing outside of NPH so i decided to go by myself.

launched at 6:15 by myself.

made some nice 6" macs at the mouth of the harbor, also caught a big 13" one.. decided to try to troll him around while i paddle to the rockfish spot. after all... big bait catches big fish, right?
got to an area that looked decent, reeled in my trolled mac, dropped him straight down. HUGE YANK.. damn seals.. reel up. sharp teeth marks.. hmm
drop the same guy down. 20 seconds of dropping and my line starts zipping out like crazy. close the spool and rod loads up BIG TIME. damn.. i probably got a dolphin since there are a million around me right now... fish is swimming straight down.. hmm..

did alot of this.. wondering if i should cut the line or not.

line starts going out straight.. then i see a bunch of these

OH SHIT?! i only have 40# spectra on. it might cut me off.. oh well. keep fighting. then another 30 minutes of this.

1.5 hours, and a solo gaff later.. i finally get one of these.

MY FIRST EVER T.SHARK! slit its gills as i tie it on the back of my yak and paddle in. smiling the whole time because i landed a 70lb thresher all by myself. using only 40# spectra and a size 250 conventional reel. very suprised that it didnt break off, line fray, or any bad things happening during the 1.5 hour fight.
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