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Old 02-26-2012, 12:42 AM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987 of the carnage!

Thanks for your patience, guys. Like I said, we knocked 'em dead. I was starting to get worried the pictures might be lost. Have you ever had someone take trophy photos for you---and wait for what seems like an eternity? I suppose that's a good problem to have, but, well, It kind of sucks!

I'd hate to have guys calling if I didn't have photographic evidence. As previously mentioned, all the action was square off the bottom. Surprisingly enough, they didn't fight as hard as I would have expected. In a short while we had limits for four anglers. A feast fit for a king! Enough for the entire village to sink their teeth into. I could only get five in the photo, but we harvested forty pigs on this day.

There was a lot of blind stabbing around in the dark and then you'd feel a solid bump with the spike---actually, reminded me of high school in many ways. Crazy fun, though. Something I could really see all your significant-others getting into. If she likes going shopping at the mall, gossiping while texting and driving at the same time---she'll absolutely love fishing for these guys. Seriously!

What? Were you expecting something else? Even Yellowtail get boring after a while. My next post will have an incredibly dead, White Sea Bass.
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