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Old 02-01-2012, 07:14 AM   #8
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paddle or pedal?

Which to buy - paddle or pedal?

It's a good question, but seldom answered by those who aren’t sponsored, professional, or a “New-B” buying into the hype.

A mechanical advantage, such as a drive, will be just that, an advantage (in certain areas). In a fishing kayak, this will equate into greater range and greater maintainable speed in getting there. However, there are “no free lunches” in life and there are tradeoffs. Mechanical systems require maintenance and adjustment, and sometimes break at inopportune times.

Dealer/manufacturer support? Not just issues that would be a liability problem for them, but real support, including problems above (and beyond) the waterline. Have a high percentage of brand owners had problems? If you are truly asking for advice rather than re-affirmation of what you may have already decided, ask around, especially those who don’t stand to gain from their opinions, and those who have owned many brands.

Different hull shapes perform differently, especially in less than perfect conditions. Where will the kayak be primarily used – lakes, bays, through the surf, distant fishing grounds? Is storage or transportation a problem? Is deck space an issue? Will this kayak be used for fishing, hooping, other activities?

I guess the bottom line is don’t be fooled by hype, or those who would eventually stand to gain from your decision. Ask around, do your research, demo LOTS of different types, and make your decision based on your needs, not slick marketing.
"I Brake for Halibut"
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