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Old 01-30-2012, 01:08 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by William Novotny View Post
Not saltwater or yak related but someone may have some input. Reports coming in that coldwater stripes are jumping out of the water on surface plugs and swimmys, so im planning a trip to a local spot with my dad..

Stripers will eat anything but local they are usually after trout or shad.

If they are eating stockers I still fish Huds BBZs even cheapo Castiacs on lighter line. Huds deep, BBZs high, Castiacs deadstick. Cheaper big baits that will work are made by Cordell: pencil poppers and Redfins still work but are considered old fashioned by some.

If they are keyed on shad try walk the dog baits like Z-spooks, deep try swimbats like big hammers etc in white white black silver white and blue white patterns. Heavy Bucktails work for fish deep on structure, and you can even catch fish on small iron type lures jigged deep at times, though you hardly ever see anyone doing it.

Bait and wait wise flylined chovies and sardines work on light line.

That's all lake advice. If your fishing the duct say so and I'll give you a whole different set of stuff. Shallow moving water, no trout, tule perch, shad and minnows in the duct, so it's a different type of fishing.

Good luck, Jim
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