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Old 01-21-2012, 03:43 PM   #20
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All right gang. I don't think we should nuke this thread.

Bob, first - thanks for the report.

You did what you felt was right, and you did nothing illegal.

There's something to be said about the lobster guys pulling their ropes to bring the food to the table, and there's a ton to be said about MLPA and we sure did spill out how we all feel about it.

This is really the most important point Bob is bringing up:

The more important point of my post was the the fact that the organization chartered with enforcing the new regs is clueless as to what they are.
I was too busy lately to post about it, but I was outraged when I received that recent email press release from DFG about those bozos/douche divers in Laguna poaching lobsters in the spot that was off limits even before MLPAs. It was a shameless plug, desperate attempt on raising general awernes of MLPAs. It was totally inappropriate, and it so much lacked a class that it made me sick. I went through all the emails from DFG I got the last 2 months - they took their time to inform their email subscribers about Black-backed Woodpecker, volunteers they need, non-native aquatic species that have taken up residence in San Francisco Bay, Wildlower Tours, endangered Delta Smelt, a lone wolf travelling from Oregon from California, frogs... There was not a single mention of MLPAs ?!?!? The very agency that is supposed to be enforcing the new MLPA rules and boundaries didn't find applicable to at least makes an attempt to educate their main "customer base", very fishermen and women that want to obey the law and desperately need their help to navigate though this maze of the new MLPA borders?

C'mon... It really bothers me as DFG is kind of "on our side" - majority of folks on their staff are passionate anglers and hunters.

With that said - I am not surprised the wardens didn't even know that the new MLPA rules extend the boundary of the reserve further to the south. Hurting for funding like the rest of the state, I can't imagine they put appropriate measures in place to educate their wardens on the whole new world of MPAs. It's been thrown at them just like it has been thrown at us.

Personally, being bitter about the whole MLPA process and the outcome, I am not compelled to jump in and serve in any sort of enforcement of the new MLPA boundaries. I know the borders and steer clear, but I'm not going to be a part of MLPA volunteer force that is "helping enforce" the new boundaries.

It will take a loooong time that they sort all this chit out - I didn't want it nether I supported it to begin with.

And Bob, fyi - Jasmin tore Achilles Tendon... twice! on the same leg.
We may have to get you off of the Hobie after all?
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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