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Old 01-03-2012, 09:07 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by StinkyMatt View Post
Lets say for the sake of simple math that 1 million licences get sold each year. If you were to mobilize every BWE member not to buy one for a while you would possibly create a .5% temporary delay in funds to the state.

As much as this might make someone feel better, or like they are making a stand, it would mean absolutely nothing to the state.

Fishing without a licence is another option that may not be the best choice for us anglers. Last thing we want to be portrayed as is a bunch of lawless "fish killers".

Remember, the DFG is enforcing the laws created by someone else.

I was thinking about picketing in front of a retail location of one of the companies that financially aligned itself with the MLPA. This would not require great numbers but maight send a more precise message.

Just my 2 cents.
We agree with you and Blitzburgh, and we would love it if anyone could provide a partial/complete list of all companies and organizations (Green Peace, etc) who aligned themselves with the MLPA. Boycotting companies products, and emailing all of our own contacts, fishermen or not, to do the same, may at least put a dent in their pocketbooks.
An organized picketing in front of these establishments would definitely have a more immediate impact, and if media is involved, even that much better.
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