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Old 12-27-2011, 08:37 AM   #49
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Calls to Media

Originally Posted by Aaron&Julie View Post
The pitiful morons I was referring to, were the private boaters Jorluivil mentioned in his response that seemed to know nothing about the MLPA.

Jimmyz123 has mentioned, in one of his responses, that he has some connection with personnel at KUSI and CBS, and he might contact the Turko Files. I have not yet called any news stations yet, I was kind of waiting to see if there was even going to be much of a showing, and at this point, the list of kayakers is rather small (20-25). I'm not sure about the private boater's group that may show up, also. Anybody know about that?
There's still plenty of time for this list to grow. I was going to send emails and make some phone calls (if worthwhile, depending on the size of our group) around Dec 28th-30th, so it's current to what we are doing.
See my other posts in this thread, about my "suggestion" for showing up on Jan 1st, with time, location and signs. Thanks.
I have put in calls and e-mails to KUSI, KFMB, KGTV, and KNSD and have not heard anything back. Maybe if more than just me contact these media stations it will show them that we are serious. I went to BloodyDecks to see what type of support they are getting and quite honestly could not find a thread promoting anything for the first of January. Maybe I didn't look hard enough. What I'm wondering is if we should plan this for a day when it's not in direct competition with New Years Eve. I'm sure we would get more people to show up if this were not in direct competition with the New Year celebrations.

Is there anyway we can get a true count of who really will be there?
No better time than being on the water,

God Bless,

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