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Old 12-17-2011, 12:39 PM   #21
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Join Date: Mar 2005
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I would think a good time might be 8:00-9:00AM, at the launch, plenty of time to shake the cobwebs out of the heads. Try to make large signs, easily read by helicopters, i.e. "MLPA is wrong", "Fishing is Freedom", "We pay for the right to fish", "UR penalizing those who can't fish offshore", etc. You get the idea. Then, we all gather in masses in one new restricted area, say where the south La Jolla MLPA area begins straight in front of Palomar Ave (I don't know where that is, but I'm sure someone in the crowd will) or Big Rock which is near the northern most area of the projected to be closed South La Jolla zone. You might want to bring a 20 foot section of rope, should we decide to tie up in a circle, or such. Parking shouldn't be too much of a problem, perhaps some may have to park a few short blocks away from the launch, afterall it isn't summertime. Carpooling, especially you Northern folks, would work great. Tell others, bring them on down with you, and let's get this list growing fast.
"Never say die"
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