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Old 12-16-2011, 07:03 AM   #53
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I walk thru downtown almost every day and I get approached by "Green Peace". Then at the mall it's "Earth First" or some other enviromental group. They ask for donations, but if you don't donate they still tell you about how the the earth is being destroyed by some group or activity. They getthe public to donated money which they use to buy poiticians, they have direct communications with the public to voice their side of the story.

If all the public only hears is one side to the story, who do you think they'll support or vote for at election time?

A one day protest, is one day's news that will never carry the impact of being in the public's face day after day. We as a small group (as seen by state politicians) cannot indivdually donate enough to counter the special interest groups financial influence.

I like the Jan 1, protest about the lost of freedom, it's a good start.

But, from there talk to every stranger you meet on the streets and in the malls and tell them about the lies and freedoms lost. Join in with other groups fighting against the lost freedom, so that we build our numbers to the point where politicians know they need to listen. We must display the same passion on every issue that attempts to limit our freedom, regardless if we personally participate in the targeted activity or not. We need get the mass public and large corporations who understand our side to help fianance the fight for our rights and our childrens rights.

Do I negative about this, NO.

I think we can do it, average americans have remarkable capabilities and skills. I'm not smart enough to have the answers so I ask you.....think about it, what is our next step?
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