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Old 12-14-2011, 10:49 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by robmandel View Post
paul, you were awesome throughout the whole fight. we owe you so much. I learned some things in all of this, mostly that the california republic is not. and worse, that doesn't even seem to bother most people anymore.

t-studios, the constitution is a piece of paper, which most people view as nothing more useful than to wipe one's ass with. folks like you and me who think it means something, we don't matter. seriously, you think that moron we've got in DC, or the moron in sacramento, even care about the constitution. the courts? hell, they serve the state.

if you are going to occupy LJ, count me in. it was a honor to stand side by side with all my LJ bothers even though it's a rare trip for me. I met many of you and I can say that I've never met a better group of people anywhere. there's nobody I'd more rather be associated with. and that's what's worst of all, is that good folks (and that includes all the good SCSF guys who are losing beaches they've fished since they were kids) are being crushed by an omnipotent state. it's called tyranny.

us malibu guys got killed. you guys got hammered pretty bad too. we're gonna have to keep fighting this. it won't be easy or painless. but I'm in.
well stated I guess we just keep battling knockin out the surf fishing in those areas hurt are right about the clowns in office too, they don't give a $h!t about anything but themselves and their millions, vote them out first chance you get...government, state, dfg, and all who are intertwined
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