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Old 12-14-2011, 08:25 AM   #49
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: san diego, ca.
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[QUOTE=Tman;102623]I did not partake in this for any other reason to save fishing for my Son.

He took part in it to gain a very valuable lesson - if you don't stand up for what you believe in, you will be trampled on.

We saw that first hand when we went to many of the meetings, and even the local smurfrider meeting. Adults being disrespectful to the future of fishing, they do not care. The only children that had a voice were the cute little girls who turned in a diorama for a school assignment to protect the tropical reefs, and how the MPA's are good and help protect the tropical reefs...

To them, it is all about the 'here and now' and votes, committees, aind funds they can be a part of to line their pockets. If half of these cronies were really worried about the future of the fisheries, they would have gone after the real violators, donated funds to the DFG for enforcement, donated funds for ways to create artificial reefs to promote and sustain fishery hatcheries, and they would have taken a good look at what is the real problem...

Not your local spearfisherman, not your local kayak fisherman, not your local shore angler. Unfortunately, we are the ones they decided to target.

Delay buying your license until you plan to use it...make sure you are legally safe on board, and troll an empty hook through their 'so called' reserves, after all, you are just straightening your line, all legal.

I plan to not put myself or my son in danger when fishing, and therefore, we will fish in areas that are the safest for us. We plan to abide by the rules we don't agree with, but when it becomes a question if we are putting ourselves in potential danger, we will do what is necessary to enjoy what we enjoy, and will put food on our table.

Tman, very well put, sir. I have 3 boys of my own and can't help but wonder if the dfg and mpas are just setting the foundation of things to come... It is very unfortunate, that the day we live in, it seems you can't even wipe your own ass without it being regulated by the state...
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