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Old 12-13-2011, 11:12 AM   #15
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Join Date: May 2005
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There's a lot to say, but for now I'll leave it at this:

That we kept ANY part of La Jolla open was due to the unprecedented group effort by passionate kayak anglers and spear divers. If we hadn't fought that rearguard action, it would have been a clean sweep at LJ.

You can travel through MPAs with fishing gear on board but not in use.

The MPA maps in my WON story need another close look. There's a chance some of the boundaries have shifted slightly over the past two rounds of tweaks. Because you can legally fish right up to the line but not over, it's important to get it right. The DFG has used inaccurate spotting methods to enforce MPAs up north. Don't rely on my maps, it's your ass on the line.

No one outside the DFG knows with certainty how they will enforce the MPAs in the short term. They may start off with warnings. They may not. ALSO - the Jan 1 start date may not have the force of law. The state Administrative Procedures Act sets a 30-day timetable for new regulations to go into effect. That would put the date at Jan 8, not the 1st, but you better be ready to fight a citation in court. We may know more about this by the end of the week.

What happened at Dume in Malibu is a disgusting travesty. It's the same in Laguna. Those cities will never see dime one from me. I feel the same about Zev Yaroslavsky's LA County 3rd district. It's Malibu and part of the San Fernando Valley. Dead to me. Don't forget Surfrider's involvement, or Heal the Bay, San Diego Coastkeeper, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and so on.

That's enough for now.
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