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Old 02-19-2007, 01:58 PM   #17
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Ryan, you came up and asked if they were cuda. I thought you were being funny, given the huge boils, so I said "yeah" with a big sarcastic grin. I thought you realized I was being facetious and after I heard Dan tell you what happened I knew you were filled in anyway. I was also frustrated since that was the 5th trip in a row where I had big YT boiling all around me but couldn't get them to bite. I'd prefer it you PM'ed me if you thought I was dissing you, rather than call me names on the board, but it made me chuckle anyhow. BTW, I released 3 sandies, a calico, and an out-of-season whitefish last week. Not bad for "kill everything that hits my line". But I did punch the calico in the head (j/k). lollol

The bigger issue here is that some people feel they are somehow entitled to current reports. I don't get this, but it seems to happen on all the boards as they grow. When I started fishing here, I posted religiously as a form of payback for all of the excellent information I had absorbed from the boards. I tried to earn the respect of the regulars with whom I shared the water by fishing hard, being interested but not pushy, and doing my best to follow the unspoken etiquette that exists. Then at some point, I started getting a lot of PMs from people I've never met asking for precise fishing spots, current weather reports, and whatnot. At this point, I fish regardless of current reports and, unless it's from someone I know and trust, I consider most publicly posted info to be highly suspect at best.

I've come around to Adi's point of view about a closed forum for WCW. Not as a means to exclude anyone, but so that we all know who we are talking to. Friday night there were over 25 "guest" accounts viewing this board compared to a handful of registered users. It's easy to get fooled into thinking we are talking among ourselves (the 30-40 people who regularly post a report or comment) but the reality is that all those "guests" are soaking up information without contributing as much as a "nice fish" comment.
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