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Old 11-28-2011, 08:49 PM   #1
blackcloud9's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Big Rock, WindanSea, La Jolla
Posts: 413
11/27 Counting Sheep

Launched at Big Rock Saturday morning and went North to the canyon but
it was slow for everyone. Couple sand and calico bass. Lots of birds and
bait around. A perfect kayaking day - calm seas with no wind and 70
degrees with sunshine. Water temp was about 60.

Took a tour outside around the 20 fathom line to South LJ area stopping
on bait spots top and bottom but no biters. Fired the iron a few times just
for kicks. Heavy downhill current really picked up from the NE and layed
the kelp down. Still no biters outside, time for plan C. I headed for shelter
in calmer waters, with surface kelp at around 50' deep where huge volume of
bait was in taking refuge.

It was a fun wide-open bite on the bottom for some nice calicos, mixed
brown and grass rockfish and a 6 and 8.5 lb sheephead. Really thought I
had something much bigger for a minute. Lost a couple other nice fish
that came unbuttoned. Released a bunch of stuff. Overall a fun morning -
I love the options out there in Fall!

Video framegrab, another bummed goat .....

Treacherous landing conditions

Larry. Hobie Revolution 13.
25 years of kayak fishing La Jolla.
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