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PAL 09-11-2009 01:10 PM

Gearing up for October's must-attend MLPA meeting
First off, huge grattitude to those who've attended prior meetings, rallied the troops, written letters, made the phone calls and donated hard-earned greenbacks for the cause. You've made a huge difference. There are too many key characters to list by name - you should be proud of what we've accomplished.

I know its hard, believe me, the coming closures will put a huge crimp in our sport, our lifestyles, and for some of us, our very livlihoods - when this is done, some people won't be able to put food on the table. It's a lot of losing, and something that's impossible to feel good about.

Without our collective efforts, it would be so much worse.

So what have we accomplished? Northern La Jolla is not on any of the three final RSG proposals. Neither is Dana Pt, mainstay for our Orange County brothers. That's the good news, but don't celebrate yet.

We have to guard against a late-inning collapse - remember, the Blue Ribbon Task Force can do anything they want, even conjure up a closure out of thin air. MAKE PLANS NOW TO ATTEND THE OCT 20-22 BRTF MEETING IN LONG BEACH AND CONTINUE TO STRESS LJ'S IMPORTANCE.

Before I get to the bad news, let's talk about the existing LJ reserve. Both workgroups 1 and 2 leave it as is and eliminate the SMCA by the pier. We need to protect this outcome! Workgroup 3 expands the existing reserve AND the SMCA, then changes the regulations to allow only take of bait by dip net. That's right, I said dip net. Bye bye pier spot and north.

Now the real bad juju. Workgroup 1 does a number to San Diego, with closures at south La Jolla, north Pt Loma, Imperial Beach and Del Mar. That's too much for such a small area, unjustified by science guidelines and ruinous economically. At the most, it should be one or the other - we can't have everyone crowded into the north kelp.

OC brothers, you need to follow the same script. Protect your access to the headlands, make sure the SMCAs (blue areas) along the coast for intertidal protection aren't changed to close finfish and lobster. And if you can, toss a lifeline to our friends the free divers, who showed us the way to successful public involvement, and stand up there and hammer the deliberately inefficient MPA design that made it through workgroups 1 and 3 - those wedge designs maximize the loss of public access.

In case you're still with me, we kayak anglers as a group should rally as much as possible to our Malibu bretheren. The modern birthplace of this sport is under attack - workgroups 1 and 3 call for enormous MPAs spanning Pt Dume and on into BKR, our northern heartland. Just like San Diego, there's no scientific justification for such a massive closure, this is all about politics and ideology.

This is no time to quit. Let's get after it in Oct, so next time this year we can celebrate our success when we're out on the water where we belong.

bellcon 09-11-2009 02:46 PM

Thanks Pal
and your views or take on PV?

Is the group 1 map a pipe dream?
Does group 2 have any chance of making it more kayak friendly?

Teranea would be a tragity to lose:(

PAL 09-11-2009 02:54 PM


Thanks Pal
and your views or take on PV?

Is the group 1 map a pipe dream?
Does group 2 have any chance of making it more kayak friendly?

Teranea would be a tragity to lose:(
<!-- / message -->
Please check the other site. Big brother is watching.

tylerdurden 09-11-2009 03:04 PM

I feel sick. Misguided at best, sinister at worst. Group 3 made the area north of the reserve open to bait fishing only as a concession to kayakers, then made it dip net only :rolleyes: . Are they so out of touch they don't realize no one uses a dipnet to catch bait, or did they think we wouldn't notice and would support them.

I really wish I would have noticed earlier and commented on the dipnet thing at public comment. When they presented the map the night before they singled out kayakers as the reason for allowing bait catching in the zone, but never specified how. I should have known. I am pissed the hell off at them.

PAL 09-11-2009 03:10 PM


I feel sick. Misguided at best, sinister at worst. Group 3 made the area north of the reserve open to bait fishing only as a concession to kayakers, then made it dip net only :rolleyes: . Are they so out of touch they don't realize no one uses a dipnet to catch bait, or did they think we wouldn't notice and we support them.
Well, until the final maps are published, we won't know for certain. That's what they said last night. I think they really don't know any better. Make what you will of that. They certainly didn't ask for my input; I would have been happy to square them away. This is something we can address at the BRTF meeting if it comes to that, although I suggest we focus elsewhere.

Billy V 09-11-2009 07:14 PM

They Certainly Knew What They Were Doing.
Omission is a Lie in the eyes of the law.

They tried to throw a fastball past us!
They are Not to be trusted.

Dan 09-11-2009 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by PAL (Post 44295)
Well, until the final maps are published, we won't know for certain. That's what they said last night. I think they really don't know any better. Make what you will of that. They certainly didn't ask for my input; I would have been happy to square them away. This is something we can address at the BRTF meeting if it comes to that, although I suggest we focus elsewhere.

I was a bit startled by the lack of focus, or knowledge of both WG3 RSG members that I spoke to while the maps were projected...they were really confused by my questions and couldn't answer them. The gentleman representing the local Native American tribes was baffled by my simple questions about what is allowed in this or that reserve, where the borders lie etc. The other guy kept pointing to Solana Beach and calling it Moonlight beach....aaaghh!!! I had to completely school him on what was what. ssooooo frustrating.

....totally no skin in the game which is unfortunate because I'm sure he shrugged and went along with whatever he was fed, much like that college kid who I watched get dressed with a blue 'mpa's work' shirt in the lobby by the girl who dragged him along. He could barely articulate his points, and talking with him after he got "dressed", he said that he was concerned about Point Dooned?!

I have much more respect for informed opposition than dribbling placeholders. We had a few on our side too that I just wanted to muzzle as well....but anyone speaking with passion and clarity really impressed me. BillyV nailed it, Djax did GREAT, Tyler killed, Kurt was spot on!, pescador Pete was the lone north county voice, and the gent trying to get the line moved in Catalina so the boy scouts could fish of the pier at their camp almost made me cry.

Is it over yet?!!? ugg.

PAL 09-14-2009 10:36 AM

Bump! You have weeks to prepare for this showdown. Please turn for the Oct 20-22 meeting, its crucial to our fishing future.

PAL 09-15-2009 05:12 PM

I spoke with one of the Workgroup 3 RSG representatives today about the Scripps Pier SMCA. He said their intent was to allow kayak bait only; he was unaware the group's selected method of take (dip net) did not achieve their objective.

He will take up the matter with his group during their ongoing Quality Control process and attempt to change the take to pacific and jack mackerel, sardines, squid and anchovy by hook and line and dip net. We'll know whether he was successful when the round 3 final proposals are released in a week or so.

so cal shaggy 09-15-2009 05:25 PM

Paul, I already have my vacation days in for all 3 days. OC is going to be a tough struggle and the wedge shapes are just a slap in the face since by starting on the shore and extending out into the water they capture less valuable (and I know OC has very little as it is)habitat. WG 1 & 3 shapes are blatantly just an attempt to exclude shore based consumptive users from using the area.

Billy V 09-15-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by PAL (Post 44489)
I spoke with one of the Workgroup 3 RSG representatives today about the Scripps Pier SMCA. He said their intent was to allow kayak bait only; he was unaware the group's selected method of take (dip net) did not achieve their objective.

He will take up the matter with his group during their ongoing Quality Control process and attempt to change the take to pacific and jack mackerel, sardines, squid and anchovy by hook and line and dip net. We'll know whether he was successful when the round 3 final proposals are released in a week or so.

Thanks for making that call Paul.
We will be patiently awaiting their answer.

B Slate 09-15-2009 06:34 PM

Any idea on what day/days the public comment will be?
I have exams on the 21st and 22nd and want to know ahead of time so I can move them if I have to.

Corey 09-15-2009 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by PAL (Post 44489)
I spoke with one of the Workgroup 3 RSG representatives today about the Scripps Pier SMCA. He said their intent was to allow kayak bait only; he was unaware the group's selected method of take (dip net) did not achieve their objective.

He will take up the matter with his group during their ongoing Quality Control process and attempt to change the take to pacific and jack mackerel, sardines, squid and anchovy by hook and line and dip net. We'll know whether he was successful when the round 3 final proposals are released in a week or so.

Thanks , Paul. Thanks for setting them straight. Glad to hear that it was not their intention. You can be sure that I will be there in October.

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