Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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fishsouthcounty 03-02-2011 08:16 AM

beer on the water...?
ok so im taking my kayak out for its first trip since the Malibu sale....gonna go cruise around DP harbor and get used used to the feel of it and try to get an idea of how i wanna rig it further..throw a few swimbaits, check the bait pump/tank...Bringing a small cooler with some lunch....if im sippin on a tall can as i cruise around is the sheriff/harbor patrol gonna rip me one or is it legal?? just not sure if there is a diff. between the kayak and a regular boat. thanks guys.

mtnbykr2 03-02-2011 09:55 AM

DP is heavily patroled, I believe kayaks are no different than anyother
vehicle when it comes to the rules...have fun on the maiden voyage:reel:

MrPatrick 03-02-2011 10:28 AM

Smoke on the water..... Fire in the sky! 

Jimmyz123 03-02-2011 11:45 AM

Have you ever Kayaked before? Be safe most of all. It can take a lot out of you paddling a Kayak for the first time, and then adding beer to it. If it were me I would leave the beer on shore. You're not me. Is it leagal? Not sure about where you are going, but you may want to check the laws before you go out with the beer. It would suck to have your first trip be your worst trip.

I'm not a big beer drinker, but form those that I know who are, I am often told by them they will never drink beer while trying to use a Kayak. I could be wrong but the Sun and Drinking beer, can do a number on ya. Be safe, and check the laws before you go.

dorado50 03-02-2011 11:58 AM

You will be hailed if seen by harbor patrol (unless u r real lucky). They will most likely check to see if u r intoxicated. If so..bye.bye..if not ,have a nice day:).

calderonmike 03-02-2011 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jimmyz123 (Post 77316)
Have you ever Kayaked before? Be safe most of all. It can take a lot out of you paddling a Kayak for the first time, and then adding beer to it. If it were me I would leave the beer on shore. You're not me. Is it leagal? Not sure about where you are going, but you may want to check the laws before you go out with the beer. It would suck to have your first trip be your worst trip.

I'm not a big beer drinker, but form those that I know who are, I am often told by them they will never drink beer while trying to use a Kayak. I could be wrong but the Sun and Drinking beer, can do a number on ya. Be safe, and check the laws before you go.

As long as you dont blow anything over a .08 BAC. and the laws will apply the same way as if you were on a boat. If you are anchored and not making way you are good to go. but you are on a kayak and I would not recommend drinking on one to any one

bubblehide 03-02-2011 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by calderonmike (Post 77322)
As long as you dont blow anything over a .08 BAC. and the laws will apply the same way as if you were on a boat. If you are anchored and not making way you are good to go. but you are on a kayak and I would not recommend drinking on one to any one

It's .08 for establishing being drunk, there is no minimum for establishing under the influence.

With that said, I wouldn't recommend drinking in the harbors, but lots of guys, boats and yakers do outside the harbors. Some beaches have no alcohol regulations, but they don't apply OTW. Just keep in mind that if your checked for any reason, your subject to the laws, as if you were driving a car.

calderonmike 03-02-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by bubblehide (Post 77326)
It's .08 for establishing being drunk, there is no minimum for establishing under the influence.

With that said, I wouldn't recommend drinking in the harbors, but lots of guys, boats and yakers do outside the harbors. Some beaches have no alcohol regulations, but they don't apply OTW. Just keep in mind that if your checked for any reason, your subject to the laws, as if you were driving a car.

46USC2302(c)/ 33CFR95 states what constitutes as a BUI.

to get a bui charge you still need the .08 bac but yes you can get stopped for your behavior and vessel operation.

old_rookie 03-02-2011 12:38 PM

You could drink all your beer before heading out - might make the launch a bit more interesting for the web-cam.

JoeBeck 03-02-2011 12:39 PM

LOL what a world!


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calderonmike 03-02-2011 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by JoeBeck (Post 77332)
LOL what a world!


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I like that Alaska beer too!!!! or a ballast point yellow tail

dorado50 03-02-2011 12:54 PM

A "safe boating class" b4 getting on the water will not only help you but more importantly the people around you. They put out good info and will advise you on alcohol and boating...

bubblehide 03-02-2011 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by calderonmike (Post 77330)
46USC2302(c)/ 33CFR95 states what constitutes as a BUI.

to get a bui charge you still need the .08 bac but yes you can get stopped for your behavior and vessel operation.

I really don't mean to spoil the party, but you need to read the whole thing, with particular attention to section c.

<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/> </w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> § 95.020 Standard for under the influence
of alcohol or a dangerous
An individual is under the influence
of alcohol or a dangerous drug when:
(a) The individual is operating a recreational
vessel and has a Blood Alcohol
Concentration (BAC) level of .08
percent or more, by weight, in their
(b) The individual is operating a vessel
other than a recreational vessel and
has an alcohol concentration of .04 percent
by weight or more in their blood;
(c) The individual is operating any
vessel and the effect of the intoxicant(
s) consumed by the individual on
the person’s manner, disposition,
speech, muscular movement, general
appearance or behavior is apparent by

Section C simply makes it a judgment call on the officers part; and requires no minimum intoxicant level.

dorado50 03-02-2011 01:03 PM

might want to put down the beer and reach for one of these...:canabis:.

surfnutnj 03-02-2011 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by fishsouthcounty (Post 77293)
ok so im taking my kayak out for its first trip since the Malibu sale....gonna go cruise around DP harbor and get used used to the feel of it and try to get an idea of how i wanna rig it further..throw a few swimbaits, check the bait pump/tank...Bringing a small cooler with some lunch....if im sippin on a tall can as i cruise around is the sheriff/harbor patrol gonna rip me one or is it legal?? just not sure if there is a diff. between the kayak and a regular boat. thanks guys.

I almost ALWAYS bring beers with me when I kayak. I mean why not? As long as you don't get tanked its perfectly legal.

If i don't catch fish at least I got to relax have a beer and enjoy the scenery.:sifone::cheers:

robmandel 03-02-2011 02:35 PM

yes, but the thing with a kayak is it is not a motorized vehicle. I doubt it would classify as a vessel either. I mean, what if I took out a float tube, or an inner tube or a pool raft, how does that differ from a kayak. there are no CF numbers on a kayak.

even if you are under the limit, you can't drive a car and be drinking a beer. period. paddling under the influence, you're more a danger to yourself than anything :biggrinjester: :biggrinjester: :biggrinjester:

bubblehide 03-02-2011 03:33 PM

Rob that is some excellent logic, but from my understanding, a kayak would be classified as a vessel, under the "not otherwise documented" section of the USGS definition.

The bottom line is that many laws are written in such a way, that they can apply broadly, and are subject to the officers discretion.

jorluivil 03-02-2011 03:48 PM

Get a tandem and look for a buddy who doesn't drink.

T Bone 03-02-2011 04:01 PM

You can get a dui on a bicycle.A bicycle is considered a motorized vehicle (you are the motor)I know lots of people roll on bikes to go from Party to party(Newport and HB comes to mind)so they can drink profusely.I know they Issue DUI's but I heard they dont stick in court because you would have a hard time killing someone on a bike.

-scallywag- 03-02-2011 04:11 PM

I would NEVER drink or use drugs while kayaking....SAFETY FIRST !!!!! :luxhello:

surfnutnj 03-02-2011 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by -scallywag- (Post 77358)
I would NEVER drink or use drugs while kayaking....SAFETY FIRST !!!!! :luxhello:

IMO if you have a beer or two (depending on your tolerance i guess) and stay sober and functional and remember to be safe, there is nothing wrong with sipping a cold one while fishing.

bubblehide 03-02-2011 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by surfnutnj (Post 77361)
IMO if you have a beer or two (depending on your tolerance i guess) and stay sober and functional and remember to be safe, there is nothing wrong with sipping a cold one while fishing.

Okay, next time out, I'm looking for you, please make sure you have an extra one :cheers1:

Regor 03-02-2011 05:52 PM

Holly cow .......... have a beer, have a cigar, and enjoy all the ocean and nature can give you.

WahooUSMA 03-02-2011 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Regor (Post 77373)
Holly cow .......... have a beer, have a cigar, and enjoy all the ocean and nature can give you.

X-2, and share that shit with your kayaking brothers and sister's!:cheers1:

Nic D 03-02-2011 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by -scallywag- (Post 77358)
I would NEVER drink or use drugs while kayaking....SAFETY FIRST !!!!! :luxhello:

sarcasm at its finest! ;)

fishsouthcounty 03-02-2011 06:16 PM

Haha wow thanks for all the advice. I just was lookin mostly for a yes or no. I save my heavy drinking for land always when I am the one who is in control.... I was just curious as to the regulations to bring out maybe a tall can or two to sip on throughout the day. Definitely would never take it to a level of intoxication that would even remotely be of question. Just a pleasure beer as I do enjoy beer quite a bit. Anyway thanks again for settin it straight for me.

bellcon 03-02-2011 06:49 PM


Haha wow thanks for all the advice. I just was lookin mostly for a yes or no.

In that case...

dmrides 03-02-2011 07:07 PM

Did you guys ever see Floatopia in Mission Bay? There were some drunk ass people out on pool floats, rafts, surfboards, kayaks, canoes, etc.

Go for a paddle, have a beer, no one is going to bother you, unless you give them a reason to.

Riskey Water 03-03-2011 10:11 AM

Heard of a guy in Norco that got a DUI on a horse ,he was passed out ,but the horse had been to and from the bar so many times it knew the way home ,the rider fought it and got charged instead for having a stray animal on the lose .What a world

StinkyMatt 03-03-2011 11:17 AM

Dude, put it in a flippin sippy cup if you must have your beer.

Don't make this a thinking sport.......use your melon, don't pound a 40 ouncer in front of the CG, patrol boat and you'll be OK.

Surfdad 03-03-2011 12:27 PM

Beer can be pretty handy in a time of need. I was in need last year, saw Greg on his skiff with his gal decided to offer up a couple cold ones and scored a pass of the candy in return.

Amazing how a couple of beers can turn into :wsb:


FISHIONADO 03-03-2011 03:12 PM

In California kayaks are not considered to be boats or motor vehicles so you can't get a BUI/DUI. There is no law against drinking beer while kayaking. Never trust advice from strangers on the internet. Ask me for a beer if you see me on the water, I've always got a spare cold one.

calderonmike 03-03-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by FISHIONADO (Post 77455)
In California kayaks are not considered to be boats or motor vehicles so you can't get a BUI/DUI. There is no law against drinking beer while kayaking. Never trust advice from strangers on the internet. Ask me for a beer if you see me on the water, I've always got a spare cold one.

you will get hit with a BUI!!! And remember State and Local PD might have a standard but the Fed(USCG) has another. And I have dealt with both and work with them so just giving you guys an educated answer. You can get hit with negligent operations too. All I am saying is that if you do drink don't be stupid about it and endanger yourself and others. other than that crack open a cold one.

mtnbykr2 03-03-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by StinkyMatt (Post 77443)
Dude, put it in a flippin sippy cup if you must have your beer.

Don't make this a thinking sport.......use your melon, don't pound a 40 ouncer in front of the CG, patrol boat and you'll be OK.

yeah I think this horse is dead enough....now let's go fishin':reel:

JoeBeck 03-03-2011 03:58 PM

I'll be honest I don't feel safe without beer. You have a sea lion jump on your lap, shark come at you, a rogue kayaker, or private boater...... That bottle of tasty cold beverage comes in handy :D:cheers1:

mtnbykr2 03-03-2011 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by JoeBeck (Post 77463)
I'll be honest I don't feel safe without beer. You have a sea lion jump on your lap, shark come at you, a rogue kayaker, or private boater...... That bottle of tasty cold beverage comes in handy :D:cheers1:

projectile beers?= alcohol abuse....:rolleyes:

PAL 03-04-2011 08:40 AM

Joe, we can always count on you for sensible talk. Thanks for keeping it real. :you_rock:

dsafety 03-04-2011 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by dmrides (Post 77392)
Go for a paddle, have a beer, no one is going to bother you, unless you give them a reason to.

This is the best advice from this thread. It says it all.


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