Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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THE DARKHORSE 06-08-2011 12:22 AM

Welcome...to the pressure cooker! Who said winning would be easy? :sifone:

In years past I'd wait for the last second to post my WCW submissions. Who am I kidding, I did that last month! Old habits die hard I guess. Scrambling with tape shots and photos of my fish to submit at 11:30 p.m., mere minutes before closing time. This annoyed the crap out of some competitors, I'm sure. I'll admit to laughing about this a couple of times; knowing my competitors were grudgingly checking this site up until midnight to see what happened. Or didn't happen for that matter. I know this because I've been on the other end---with a glass of wine at midnight myself!

In time, though, I think most competitors realize why it makes a lot of since to hold your cards until all bets are hedged. One obvious reason: protecting a bite that's going on. Especially if it's a bite you worked hard to find yourself! Even more so, if no other anglers are on this particular bite. Another great reason for holding your cards would be not giving your closest competitors any additional fuel for their flame, so to speak. Why make your closest competitor fish that much harder, right?

Speaking of motivation, here's a fish that absolutely kicked my a$$. All Yellowtail pull hard, but some clearly pull harder than others. The fact that my favorite photographer, Jay Koo, was in tow this day made it all the better. I was following fish that turned their nose up to iron after iron this day. I began pitching horse-Sardines to these fish, when close enough, and they still were showing their intelligence time and again. Like I've said many times: these fish don't get this big by being dumb! Finally, I persuaded this fish to annihilate a mini-mac with a tiny hook. This was a Kim Kardashian of a fish, if you know what I mean. If this photo inspires some of my competitors to fish a little harder---so be it.

Which is just another reason why this competition is so fun. The mind games, strategy, not to mention putting a little salt into your fellow competitors wound is what it's all about. While speaking to some new blood of the sport (RK), he brought up a fantastic analogy for West Coast Whoppers. I thought about stealing it for myself, but I'd like to give credit where credit's due. I won't try to quote him verbatim , but in short he said that: the guys on this site who aren't in WCW are like the guys on sportboats who aren't in the jack-pot and catch the winning fish---they're really missing out! I couldn't have said it better myself.

It has nothing to do with winning the thing, placing in the top three, glory, fame, cash and free kayaks---or even winning your freaking $20 back! It's about making the most out of your time on the water. Whether that means learning more about catching a particular species or simply a better excuse for the wife---to go fishing---is up to you. Getting excited when you catch that monster and freaking out when your closest competitor is on the web-cam holding one of his own. That being said, it's not too late to enter. There's ten months left in this marathon event. Enter with your fishing buddy and compete against them. Perhaps, make a wager between the two of you; that whoever places higher gets his $20 back. Hell, throw in a round of drinks to sweeten the bet if you're feeling frisky; freakin' make it rain at Cheetahs for all I care! :eek: All in the name of good, clean wholesome fun, of course.

De Ja Vu? No, this isn't the same fish from last months submissions. These fish were caught this past Friday. Speaking of good, clean wholesome fun: Tell the wife that some days you'll be gone a long time. That if you find the fish, you're not leaving! Hopefully, someday you find multiple species chewing and go home with sore arms 'ta boot. Seek and ye shall find!

Being a well known advocate for holding off on current reports, on the internet anyway, I also know I'm not blowing some secret bite with this current report here. Having a great read on current conditions, believe me, a heavy dose of discretion was used. I mean, really, this is the time of year everyone knows fish are around. If this is news to you, well, keep doing those internet searches; wasting time that would be better spent on the ocean. Last season, April to be specific, was the best month for Yellowtail fishing in La Jolla. I doubt you'll gather that from any landing totals or fishing report archives. If you were the guy waiting for August and warm water rushing up the Coast, well, sorry Charlie. The guys who put in their time, all-year-long, could barely reel in another fish by the time August rolled around last year. This season looks pretty similar so far if you asked me, too. While I hope we get a solid push of warm water and giant schools of hungry Pelagic species---much like the surf---I'll believe it when I see it! The fish, much like solid surf, is here when it's here and that's that. If you're waiting to hear about it before getting off your a$$, you might as well plan on blowing another season.

Some fish photos don't need to be cropped or the colors altered, in order to make a fish look their best. Some fish just look silly by themselves; look at the head on this thing! This one's straight off the Go Pro camera without any Photoshop to the Cali-Gold light. I love when the tourists on the beach say "sure is a nice day" and I reply "yep, another one!" We are truly spoiled in Southern California when it comes to weather. Lack of jobs, gas prices and real-estate are another thing entirely, though.

While the fishing is very fickle right now, it's pretty damn good if you're paying close attention. Conditions are constantly changing; hourly for that matter. It's windy on most days, with surface conditions going from grease calm to hazardous in minutes . The water has been ranging from blue to sandy green depending on where you look. And most of all, like every year at this time---the fish are here. The kelp beds from Northern Baja to Malibu are holding enough ghosts to make a squid swallow his tongue with fear. The Yellowtail are being Yellowtail and the guys who know how to target them aren't complaining.

If anything, I'd love to see my fellow competitors submit their slam this month, too. If this post inspires you to fish that one extra day, or produce a slam of your own, it was worth my time to write it.

Good luck to all in the month of June! :viking:

jorluivil 06-08-2011 01:01 AM

Dejavu fo-sho!!!!

jorluivil 06-08-2011 01:18 AM

Up at 330am, 90+ miles south to LJ, every stinking minute of the 90minute drive thinking and asking myself 'will today be the day'? showing up at the launch to find 5' breakers, making bait, paddling(now peddling) around for hours, watching others and asking myself what I'm doing wrong, drowning bait, dragging bait all the while hoping for that golden fish, the fish of a lifetime.

I don't know how you do it Josh but I'm sure the fact that you being seven minutes from the launch helps. I'm sure that after I catch that first WSB, YT or Hali and see points on the WCW board it will no longer be about catching the next big one, it'll be about catching the top stop and knocking you out of first place!!!

Congrats, again!!

Dennis 06-08-2011 04:02 AM

SICKWIDIT, Josh! Hefty fish there.

roadx 06-08-2011 05:02 AM

WOW!!!! thanks for the read and motivation :notworthy:

DanaPT 06-08-2011 05:27 AM

YOU are da man. . .
NIce fish. Way different caliber of fishing in LJ than in most so cal, but maybe not?!

I'm gonna stop blaming the arrow and take a little closer look at the brave.

"hour by hour" changes? Makes sense to me, he'll I'm still trying to figure what day of the week to paddle. Just when I learn more, I learn that there is more to know. I love it.

I'm inspired to get my trophy for sure.

sharonkayak 06-08-2011 07:09 AM

that yellowtail is a monster. I am dying to know what it weighed!

compared to you I have to spend DAYS on the water to land one fish. So I guess skill is defiantely better than luck.

nicely done again.

oh and by the way I think I am going to have to leave the contest. I will walk away with my 3rd place. :D

thank you....

blitzburgh 06-08-2011 08:02 AM


wiredantz 06-08-2011 08:15 AM

Mission #1 Finish honey do list
Mission #2 Prepare fishing poles
Misison #3 Put homming device on Josh's Pro Angler
Mission #4 Move 15 mins away from La Jolla
Mission #5 Get a part time job so I can spend more time on the water
Mission #6 Improve Fishing Skills, even if i know where the honey holes are I will not catch a fish if i don't have the skills on how to properly hook one.
Mission #8 Get a hobie so i can peddle and have 2 hands on the fishing rod
Mission #9 Spend countless number of hours to learn every nook and cranny of the seabed
Mission #10 Catch a yellowtail
Mission #11 Stop daydreaming and realize that i don't live or ever live in San Diego, and fish and learn how to fish local waters and realize that the Yellowtail won't be comming to Santa Monica Bay for many more years to come.
Mission #12 I need to get back to work

Whizz Bang 06-08-2011 08:16 AM

Furious. I am furious. F&!k !!!!! Well done again As&*h%!e !:cheers1:

And for the record. you did not post this until wed. Days ago you threatened to have it done and posted by tues......slipping JP, slipping.

wade 06-08-2011 08:38 AM

Pruitt on FAYYYYYYYYA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:sifone:

onetriphudson 06-08-2011 08:46 AM

These cooler photo shots are getting to be my favorite of the images. The tails really tell the tale. Nothing like giant sportfish on ice...

Dan 06-08-2011 08:59 AM

out of control! wow.

addicted2sp33d 06-08-2011 09:03 AM

Man! :eek: You must have YT and WSB (and some Hali) steaks stashed all over your house! And your HDL count must be through the roof!

Sometimes I wonder if it really is as easy as you make-it-look. :you_rock:

<~~~ Never been to LJ Kelp. Soon... very soon. :paddleersmilie:

blitzburgh 06-08-2011 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by wiredantz (Post 86004)
Mission #1 Finish honey do list
Mission #2 Prepare fishing poles
Misison #3 Put homming device on Josh's Pro Angler
Mission #4 Move 15 mins away from La Jolla
Mission #5 Get a part time job so I can spend more time on the water
Mission #6 Improve Fishing Skills, even if i know where the honey holes are I will not catch a fish if i don't have the skills on how to properly hook one.
Mission #8 Get a hobie so i can peddle and have 2 hands on the fishing rod
Mission #9 Spend countless number of hours to learn every nook and cranny of the seabed
Mission #10 Catch a yellowtail
Mission #11 Stop daydreaming and realize that i don't live or ever live in San Diego, and fish and learn how to fish local waters and realize that the Yellowtail won't be comming to Santa Monica Bay for many more years to come.
Mission #12 I need to get back to work


bigbarrels 06-08-2011 09:35 AM

Sick fish, sick read!! :cheers1:

467echo 06-08-2011 09:48 AM

Gotta love those GoPro shots! How did you mount it on the preserve buoy? Nice feesh Josh:notworthy:

sdfisher 06-08-2011 09:49 AM

I have never seen you on the water, only at the launch, that is how I KNOW I am fishing in the wrong places.

once again very impressive

yani 06-08-2011 09:50 AM


I don't know if there's a correlation between happiness
and supreme fishing ability. I'm just glad you're not
Greek, because then I would have never been able to
to find and keep a "happy" Greek wife...

Jorluivil, at least you've almost got as many posts as Darkhorse.

Iceman 06-08-2011 09:56 AM

So the cooler shot has all three in there. SLAM in a single day? that is a true claim to fame if so! Alot of guys can claim 2 out of 3 in a day. You used the word "competitor" a billion times in your post.........com on:D you may be able to win the year after just this month.

cjthomas 06-08-2011 10:44 AM

you make it look too easy! Nice!!

theluckypig 06-08-2011 01:07 PM

ever think of getting a commerical licence??? "do what you love and the money will follow..." :cheers1:

knightnsd 06-08-2011 01:43 PM

josh's fish
I don't think Josh's fish is really that big, he is just getting smaller!

RK 06-08-2011 02:56 PM

3rd photo is the definition of a $hit eating grin !!!!!!! God damn well done, well i'll expect my royalty check in the mail.........
Damn!!!!! Dont really know what to say...:cheers1:

And Josh Im holding my cards till June 30th at 11:53 pm :sifone:

Mtobolsky 06-08-2011 03:24 PM

If for some reason we couldn't see who Posted these reports wewould still know when Josh posts..... Only the guhorse can elicit 700+ views in 3 hours.....and his other recent post over 4000... Good lord, when you talk people listen......if only our chicks were like that eh!

yakrider 06-08-2011 04:53 PM

it just aint right!
whilst the rest of the world is working...
Josh is "working"!
it just aint right I tell ya!
nicely done sir!

GBF 06-08-2011 05:04 PM

She looks like Kim Kardasian for sure!!.........fat, fat hips on her!!

Congrats Mr Darkhorse!!!


eekamouse463 06-08-2011 05:19 PM

slow down there boss!! Save me some fish LOL.

driftwood 06-08-2011 05:45 PM

I still say the fish look bigger on your Revo Josh. But, it seems like your catching more fish on that Yum yum yellow PA :confused: So, is the Revo a keeper or the PA?

Amazing post BTW...

Whizz Bang 06-08-2011 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman (Post 86018)
So the cooler shot has all three in there. SLAM in a single day? that is a true claim to fame if so! Alot of guys can claim 2 out of 3 in a day. You used the word "competitor" a billion times in your post.........com on:D you may be able to win the year after just this month.

Andy, do NOT kid yourself.....Pruitt loves his fish partially decomposed. Look at those sunken eyes on the WSB. He waits DAYS before cutting into a fish....DAYS! It may be some kind of yet undiagnosed fetish......the twisted bastard. God knows when any of those fish were caught. I dont trust anything he tells me at this point, but even he hasn't mentioned a one day slam. Again, he is a sick, twisted, dirty little monkey, who loves rotten fish. We shouldn't patronize him, he gets that in spades from prospective clients.:biggrinjester:

wiredantz 06-08-2011 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by yakrider (Post 86057)
it just aint right!
whilst the rest of the world is working...
Josh is "working"!
it just aint right I tell ya!
nicely done sir!

I totally agree with you. So jealous

deepdvr 06-09-2011 05:11 AM

Amazing stuff Josh!!! :notworthy:

My selfish side wishes the darkhorse never entered WCW; for obvious reasons.

However, it has put some new blood into the old dog and the net result is we will be watching a clinic on the best that LJ has to offer. It is rare to witness someone who's as dialed in as Josh. I think the posts are only going to get better and better.

Side note: If Josh catches a bigger WSB than me, its over. You will see me in the biggest skiff I can find looking to run him down at full speed.

-scallywag- 06-09-2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by deepdvr (Post 86098)
Side note: If Josh catches a bigger WSB than me, its over. You will see me in the biggest skiff I can find looking to run him down at full speed.

I'm pretty sure there's already a couple of those...:p

Nice fishies Josh!!!! :cheers1:

JoeBeck 06-09-2011 09:32 AM

:cheers1::cheers1: The picture of you holding up the WSB is pretty cool! Cheers to good fishing!

Billy V 06-09-2011 03:36 PM

The real psychological warfare hasn't even started yet....

He is going to hand line the next slam.

Put your hard hats on now...... more lumps are on the way.:vollkommenauf:

frugalfisher 06-09-2011 10:33 PM

Hi Josh! NICE WORK!!
I know damn well you work for em. Congratulations!

Damn, I'm starving in the lab,,,...gotta break free-.. To the OCEAN...

Hope to see you soon,


Mtobolsky 06-10-2011 11:19 AM

my guess on the WSB is that it was a head saved for hubbs.........absolutely not disconting the FACT that this man is capable of a La Jolla slam in one day but i also know how he like to eat at people..........we shall see as the story unfolds...

bellcon 06-11-2011 08:49 AM

Well done Josh

Nice of you to keep raising the bar,
then crushing it!

yes very...

Pescavore1 06-11-2011 10:31 PM

Amazing stuff, Josh. I don't know how you do it, able to maintain that drive every minute you're on the water, day after day. The result shows. Now get out there and get a one-day slam.

Tinhman 06-12-2011 10:49 AM

damn this guy is out there almost everyday, must be nice..:luxhello:

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