Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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THE DARKHORSE 01-09-2010 11:33 PM

Winter Fishing...
It's that time of year you either love or hate. Depending on who you talk to, the slowest time of the year. The water is cold, the fish are big, and more often than not you're probably fishing alone. Unless you brought along a wingman, of course. Even the dogs leave you alone this time of year, for the most part. Most of the Winter, La Jolla is a virtual ghost town. At least, that's the idea. A definite possibility if we play our cards right. A kayak fisherman searching for solitude, with a solid shot at a trophy doesn't need to look any further. Paradise. Alaska?...no thanks. My cold water paradise is right down the street, not by accident either.

The ever present Lobster boat with a flock of birds in tow, will probably be the only boat keeping you company on most days. Except for Angry Skiff Guy, of course. Especially, with a lack of reports that look, how shall I say, fishy?

The random report of a solid fish might inspire someone who's already on the fence. But, hardly raise a brow of those who require a full tank of gas. Or more importantly, the avid Bloody Decker, all 50,000 members and counting. I love fishing off the skiff, too. Hell, I love checking Bloody Decks myself. But, if we can avoid turning La Jolla into a parking lot, with a massacre of all our Homeguard fish, giant knots of broken hearts, trophies swimming off trying to shake jigs with 100' of mono attached...you get the idea. Let's avoid the parking lot. Or better yet, prevent the parking lot by using a little discretion with our posts. Ya' feel me?

If there was a Batman' esque sign we could flash during the night, something only the kayak community we love could see...that would be a different story. I'd be all for it, waving the flag. And it's not about being selfish either, it's about protecting the resource.

If you stumble upon something of mass proportions, or even looks like it could turn into something of mass proportions...please use discretion when considering a "timely report". That said, I could care less if you P.M. every person you know. Feel free to call every fishing buddy you have and I'm sure they'll be happy to return the favor some day. We all know these times I speak of, rare opportunities at that, special occasions indeed! Special occasions we all love to share with "friends". These special occasions don't need to be accompanied by a fleet of boats. It's avoidable with some discretion and just a sprinkle of common sense. Trust me, it's been done before. Not by accident, either.

Here's a fish I was going to post, but used great discretion since the stars just so happened to show signs of aligning. I'm not, and didn't want to be, That Guy, ya know? These fish were feeding on fin-bait, a mix of Greenback Mackerel and Sardines. Earlier while soaking up the solitude on a grease calm day, I said hello to a friend passing by. It was Paul, a.k.a. "Old Man", the tree who bore fruit to the platinum album selling band, Slightly Stoopid. A kick a$$ band out of Point Loma, if you've been living under a rock...Check em' out!

Like me, Paul (Old man) is a bit of a loner when fishing. He thrives on finding his own fish (I respect that), which proved to be a poor decision on this day, though. Even though the morning was slow I had a feeling the afternoon action wouldn't disappoint. I was babysitting a large school of bait, well off the typical squid grounds. This after yo-yo'ing for many hours during the early part of the day. I circled for miles and miles, then found an area holding a literal bank vault of bait. Considering the conditions of the day, It seemed my best option at the time. So I set up shop and waited, and waited, and waited some more. I sat just off the large school circling, without one single real fish mark to show. I fished a mackerel on the bottom, while occasional dropping the yo-yo to keep from falling asleep. A few hours later I heard a rumble in the distance... A school of Flipper? No. Landslide on the cliff? No. Tidal wave? No. Holy sh!^, two acres of Yellowtail robbing the bank I'm sitting on! I instantly put the Hobie in gear, while ripping my bottom rig to the surface...knowing I had seconds to close the gap, if that. The only thing that put my mind at ease was the size of the school, impressive display. I had one good shot with the Calstar 100J, just as the school began to sink out. About half way in, without a bump, I get soaked by a Yellowtail that rolled on a mackerel...no more than 6' of my port bow. Ridiculous! Sadly, I blew that shot. And what a shot I had.

I continued in the direction where it looked like the school was headed. It seemed like a good idea, but I began to lose confidence about twenty minutes into the pursuit. The Hobie is plenty fast for a kayak, but no match for a fish swimming 20 mph. I watched the Lowrance intently, focused. As if I had just made a twenty dollar investment at Cheetahs. I'm talkin' laser focus here (LOL). Then I saw those golden marks plaster my screen, yes! I dropped my favorite heavy iron with a custom wrapped Ulua 93H. Not the ideal yo-yo stick, but I'm a sucker for pain. I got bumped a few cranks off the bottom, but it didnt' stick. Then had a similar opportunity a few minutes later, big bump on the grind up...didn't stick. I'm now screaming out loud, WTF?! I told myself to stay patient, don't blame the fish, focus dammit! Then the next meter mark runs across the screen and I got slammed on the sink, yes! I love this sh!+ ! I could tell this was a beast, absolutely kicking my a$$...not ashamed to admit it. About half way to the surface I heard a rumble behind me. That sweet sound, the kind you can't forget once you hear it. I turned the Hobie to my left and confirmed what I thought I was hearing. Then came the decision: to cast or not to cast. I ranged the distance at around 60 yards, well within jig-range. Then while dripping with sweat, did the unthinkable. Well, the unthinkable for smart people. I'll be the first to admit, I'm not that smart...just smarter than fish. I lowered my drag back from being pinned to the rail and put my rod in the holder, while full bendo. Then pulled out my other jig-stick on board (the Calstar 100J) and made the cast. My surface-iron lands right in the foam of approximately twenty fish. Three cranks and drag is ripping off the reel, sick! Nothing like when they eat the plug on the surface, followed by an instant sleigh-ride. Well not this time, since I was anchored with a beast already, circling below. After the surface fish sounded to the bottom, I backed off the drag a hair and went back to fish number one. I'm sure I looked like a Shrimp boat with outriggers from a distance. Nearly twenty feet of a$$ kicking bendo going on! A handful of action to say the least. A couple minutes in with a few nearly capsize moments, I decided to back off the drag a little more on the Calstar 100J. I told myself to focus on one, as the first beast approached deep color for the second time. "One bird in the basket is better than two in the bush", right? Soon after I sank the gaff, the second fish shook loose. Stoked for her, I wasn't going to keep the second Yellowtail anyway.

This sunset would have been sick, fish or no fish. Of course it's better with fish, though.

The rest of the crowd leaving the grounds.
The Wolf of the ocean, otherwise known as, Old Man.
This shot gives me that warm and fuzzy feeling, even though the water's freezing.

For those of you who missed out in 09', don't sweat it. Just think of it this way: the longer we go since the gill nets were removed...the more fish that are swimming in local waters. Don't be fooled by all that MLPA crap, complete lack of science nonsense, B with a capital S. The ocean is thriving, believe that! And if you missed The Bite, even with all the, real time internet reports. There will be more, friends are good..wink, wink. As big Monday approached I already had sore arms. I had intentions of 100% catch and release fishing before I even left the house. It's a good thing too, since apparently some have a problem policing themselves. A part of me thinks there's nothing wrong with harvesting within your limit. No laws are broken, right? And since I harvest on a regular basis, you're not going to catch the pot calling the kettle black here. With that said, I don't care if you can legally keep five Yellowtail. That's not a reason to keep "more than you can eat fresh". I feel the same way about WSB, too. Keeping three fifty pound WSB is retarded. Legal, but absolutely retarded! So is keeping three 40 lb or three 30 lb WSB. If it were up to me, regardless of the fact that stocks are doing well, it would be one WSB and one Yellowtail a day. That's it. We've all been there, I've kept my limit of fish. Not that it's a good excuse, but I was paying big money on a multi-day sportboat, though. And that was way back when. Since then, I release Yellowtail all day long from the deck of a sportboat. I could care less if it pisses off the crew or captain. I'm not a number! And if you want me to continue tipping 30% to the crew, STFU! I realize money talks and good captains have come around in recent years.


Here's the one Yellowtail I kept from The Bite. I landed four large Yellowtail this morning. I could have easily caught more if I didn't lend a helping hand here and there, managing the chaos. And I only kept her because she had popped a gill, heavily bleeding at color. A wound I knew she couldn't recover from, so I decided to harvest against my will. Made me feel like crap. I now have a photo to remember her forever with, though. Thought I'd share. Not one ounce was wasted and I enjoyed her with close friends. She made quite a few people happy and we toasted the night in her honor.
Here's my new iron I got just before, The Bite. Straight 40 lb Izorline with locked down drag and big fish. Catch and release type pulling with two hooks bent out past forty-five. These hooks are twice as strong as a Salas, too. That's why I use them.

For the newbies, don't get it twisted. You get a pass when it comes to your first experiences of fishing gluttany. Maybe it's been a while after putting in some serious time on the water. Wide-open fishing gets the blood flowing, no doubt. I understand completely. Like I said, we've all been there. Maybe it's the first time excitement of a massacre, caught up in the moment type thing...herd mentality. We're human after all, freakin' animals. The apex predators of the world, but animals none the less.

On the other hand, if you aren't ignorant and know exactly what's up with our little fishery...it's disgusting. If these weren't our local crop of fish, I'd understand. Really, I wouldn't care if these were, "here today and gone tomorrow schools"...fish traveling up the coast. But, they're not. This isn't some distant island we're talking about. It's not Cedros, Mag Bay, Alios Rocks, or Punta Abriojos...it's little old La Jolla. La Jolla can't handle a fleet of boats, catching limits of our homeguard stock. Again, this fishery isn't hurting (right now), but just think of all those days you've spent...days when cathing one, just one, big, homeguard Yellowtail would leave you stoked. Freakin' over the moon! And keep that in mind when it's wide open. Don't do it for me, do it for yourself. Please use discretion when you choose to harvest, it's not that hard. Yellowtail are super easy to release, too. You watch, karma will come your way if you do. More and more guys are practicing catch and release, and as previously stated, some are even on purpose.

Adding to the action lately, the occasional Grey Whale will keep you on your toes. Cool from shore or while cruising on the skiff, but when inches above the water...another story. Amazing how small one feels in the presence of Gods' creation. All however many tons, spewing water to the sky like Old Faithful. Beautiful. From a safe distance, of course. Awe inspiring for any outdoor enthusiast, even an old grump like me. Not to mention the occasional large school of five or more whales, impressive water displacement. kinda adds to the odds of an unlikely dreaded kayak dry-dock. The lottery ticket no one wants to pull. In due time it's bound to happen, though. A floating kayak experience with five unleashed reels and custom rods, no thanks! Who's going to be the first kayaker? Any volunteers?...I'll video. I can only speak for myself, but if that happened at night, I'd probably have a heart attack before I hit the water. I've been known to pull a Rabbit out of a hat, but levitating isn't my thing.

And you might have heard by now, but besides the Whales, there's other grey monsters to worry about.

forefrazier 01-09-2010 11:57 PM

Sweet report Josh....Been a while since we have been able to read a lengthy one from ya. Grey Monsters? Ghosts or GW's?

Gino 01-10-2010 01:28 AM

bravo sir! :you_rock:

Tandem Assassin 01-10-2010 04:52 AM

Full Disclosure
That lesson was for free my friends...:cheers1:

dmrides 01-10-2010 06:50 AM

Awesome read. Your wisdom and writing are superb. Thanks for sharing.

dsafety 01-10-2010 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by THE DARKHORSE (Post 49779)
I'll be the first to admit, I'm not that smart...just smarter than fish.

Thanks Josh, you just provided me with a great New Year's resolution. Today, I am probably smarter than a few humans but smarter than fish? Not yet. I will be working on that.

On the serious side. You speak the truth when you talk about voluntarily setting reasonable personal take limits. There was no way in hell that I would have released the WSB that I caught a couple weeks ago. It was my first and it was a really big deal to me personally. On the other hand, if the fishing gods had smiled on me and granted another hookup that day, the second fish would absolutely have been returned to sea.

I am fairly certain that most of our fellow kayak fishers share your view on this subject. To those who don't, we can only hope that enlightenment is in the near future.


bellcon 01-10-2010 08:22 AM


Amazing how small one feels in the presence of Gods' creation

And blessed...

I usually read the news paper with my morning coffee...

This was MUCH better!

Thanks Josh:cheers1:

seeya soon

Willy 01-10-2010 09:37 AM

Well done brother,
and some wise words to those willing to listen.
Alas, the 50,000 members you speak of would likely miss the point of this post, but we can only hope.

Thanks for the good read, and the good knowledge.


T Bone 01-10-2010 10:55 AM

Next time I visit LJ it will be on paddled plastic and will be much more discretionary when I post.I regret having caught my first T-shark from my skiff instead of my Kayak and then posting it for potential riff raff to see.Although after fishing LJ for 2 years and only catching my PB calico and barracuda,bonita and no 'Glory' fish(YT or WSB from the yak)I felt like I needed to post a catch for some reason(Show off I think)I also now realize why people feel post T-shark depression and realize 1 a year (at MOST)is VERY important seeing how they could be so easily exploited.

Josh great post and theme...

habanero 01-10-2010 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by THE DARKHORSE (Post 49779)
Adding to the action lately, the occasional Grey Whale will keep you on your toes. Cool from shore or while cruising on the skiff, but when inches above the water...another story. Amazing how small one feels in the presence of Gods' creation. All however many tons, spewing water to the sky like Old Faithful. Not to mention the occasional large school of five or more whales, impressive water displacement. kinda adds to the odds of an unlikely dreaded kayak dry-dock. The lottery ticket no one wants to pull. In due time it's bound to happen, though. A floating kayak experience with five unleashed reels and custom rods, no thanks! Who's going to be the first kayaker? Any volunteers?...I'll video. I can only speak for myself, but if that happened at night, I'd probably have a heart attack before I hit the water. I've been known to pull a Rabbit out of a hat, but levitating isn't my thing.

I came very close to that situation and got it on video! It wasn't a pod but one huge Grey caught me by surprise one late afternoon by my self along LJ canyon. I didn't record in time to capture the spout just twenty feet off starboard, but before I realized it, the whale swam under me. I have footage of the glassy surface around me turn to turbulence churned up from the giant tail. I guess the not so smart "National Geographic camera guy" in me won over the urge to hang on. It felt like my heart was coming up through my throat as I comprehended what just happened. I was happy I didn't have a big greasy burrito for lunch because %$#@* could have happened on the wrong side of my waders! The next time I heard any sign of the whale, it was a few hundred yards away reinforcing my feeling it had no harmful intent.

Lil Dougie 01-10-2010 01:26 PM

Thank you for sharing your wisdom. You opened my eyes a little bit wider.

yakrider 01-10-2010 01:32 PM

great story...
gotta get back down soon!

Iceman 01-10-2010 02:36 PM


As if I had just made a twenty dollar investment at Cheetahs.
Ha! New tackle store on Clairmeont Blvd? :D

It took me a long time to get rid of the vacuum packer and not load the freezer.

If you miss out on the bite ya just need to make more friends! Personally I fish year round and am happiest fishing two or three times a week. If things are hot south they merely change my plans of where I will be fishing and how little sleep I will be getting.

TCS 01-10-2010 02:37 PM

Nice Story
Well written, great pics, got my adrenalin pumping. I had to remind myself about the first paragraph which had you paddling for hours and miles and waiting. Watching the Lowrance, which probably helped a lot. I have been spending a lot of time on the water and can vouch for the time and persistance that went into catching those fish.

The truth is that these fish are still few and far between for mere mortals. Only a handful have been caught. If you're expecting to get the results that Josh gets, you need to be willing to invest the time and energy day in and day out.

See you in the water. Tom

robmandel 01-10-2010 04:48 PM

awesome report Josh. LJ's a long drive for me and really haven't been able to do it much. and besides, it'd be a roll of the dice as I know that the ratio of fishing to YT is very much in the fishes favor, for every nice yellow, there's ten or more stripes.

of all those mlpa meetings and those imbeciles, I had to laugh. our stocks are great. and I had to laugh even harder if they knew me. I'm really not that great a fisherman. as I tell my students, "I'm great at fishing, just really suck at the catching part!!"

i've never caught a YT or WSB from the yak. missed the "bite" many times at LJ and even the bu c-bass run. would I keep a fish or two? sure. would I keep my first YT or WSB from the yak? yes.

last year I fished from the surf and kayak over 50 times. caught hundreds of perch (many with my 7 y/o son and we ALWAYS throw everything back. he's learned CPR at a very early age!!), bass, etc., and I can tell you exactly how many fish I kept all last year. 4 rock fish from dume canyon. that's it. I got several gigs of photos, and a few pounds of fillets.

you're right that what we do is far more than about the fish. i'll be honest, sometimes it's simply the launch and landing that makes the day (I think we get bigger surf up in our neck o' the woods :D:D). just standing on the shore with the paddle in one hand, the handle of the yak in the other, timing, waiting, then the rush. it's life affirming.

love being on the water. haven't fished a boat in a few years. no desire to do so anymore. it's just not that fun.

j mo 01-10-2010 05:33 PM

Nice post Josh. Is that the olympus? If so, im glad to see it in capable hands, those are some great shots....



peguinpower 01-10-2010 06:41 PM

Great read. I wanna get out there so bad. Hoping to do it this week or the next, weather allowing.



blitzburgh 01-10-2010 07:06 PM

FANTASTIC post! You are the man!:luxhello:

Ryan The Sealion 01-10-2010 08:29 PM

In summary...make sure u wait a week or 2 like josh if u want 2 brag about ur fish.. :farmer: then its ok... :rolleyes:

Whizz Bang 01-10-2010 08:33 PM

Awesome post....again. It had everything, fish, suspense, a message, wisdom, fish....yep, everything.

I don't know who took that WSB photo, but whoever it was was gifted....very, very gifted.:D

For those of you who had not had the opportunity to fish with Josh, his conservation and sportsmanship extend well beyond the game fish we all covet. This is a man who even treats his bait with respect, releasing them, if unused, where they have the greatest chance of survival (read: where they are most likely to join another school). This is something I have not seen before but now practice myself.

Keep up the inspirational posts, and feel free to throw in methods, gps coordinates, voodoo chants, et cetera......:biggrinjester:

cioppino 01-10-2010 09:08 PM

Nice work Josh. Maybe you should consider going barbless! :D

Its an amazing feeling being alone out there with fish boiling all around you. La Jolla truly is the JEWEL.

yaky yak 01-10-2010 09:34 PM

Josh you truly are my idol. Your C&R of trophy fish is an inspiration to me. I drive a long way to fish La Jolla and It has often payed off well for me over the last 4 years. I don't even eat fish, and tell my self from now on I'll practice C&R On yellow tail(unless its huge!) I read where a yellow tail put on a pound a year, thinking about these beautiful fish being as old as my kids gives me a lot of respect for them. I know it the heat of the min. its easy to land that gaff shot, I am a stone killer with the fish at yak side, but feel much regret with it dying on my deck. Paddling in with that T-shark on my deck made me feel like a heal to say the lest. Karma is a fact of life. lot of people want to know your secret for catching all those fish, I'm letting the cat out of the bag. Karma. C&R what you don't need, and it'll come back to you. Thanks for the inspiration.

dmrides 01-11-2010 06:34 AM

I read this article yesterday and after thinking about it for 24 hours, I have come up with this...

Josh needs to be the director of the DFG, at least in Southern California. Think about it, he is on the water all the time and he knows and understands what it takes to reach a maintain a healthy ocean. He practices and shares the best fishing techniques for the health of our oceans. Seriously who needs the BRTF "science" when you have Josh out there monitoring what is going on?

DFG, I hope you are listening. If you want to protect places like La Jolla, have Josh, Paul, Tyler, Billy, etc... make a plan and the rest of us can be wardens. Talk about stewards of the ocean.

JPSURF 01-11-2010 07:41 AM

Another Great write up Josh!!!:you_rock:

You da Man!!:cheers1:


NextBite 01-11-2010 08:07 AM

great stuff :you_rock:

yani 01-11-2010 08:36 AM

But at that, he bellowed out to lord Poseidon,
thrusting his arms to the starry skies, and prayed,
"Hear me Poseidon, god of the sea who rocks the
earth! Am I really your son?"

I believe you are. Thanks for being a great teacher.

nabeeko 01-11-2010 09:19 AM

Great write up.
Hope to fish with you soon.

Thanks for everything you taught me last year, sensei.
This year, I'll put it to good use.

-scallywag- 01-11-2010 12:58 PM

Angry Guy in the skiff ??? you mean the guy that runs over your trolling lines then yells out "say something!!!" and starts dropping a sabiki, only to buzz off minutes later to do donuts around the only other yakers out laugh'in about tip'in um over....i love that guy!!! Good thing he didn't hear about "the bite".

I was pretty happy with crowd on this bite....more yaks than boats...lotsa laughs and more importantly lots of purposely released fish thanks to your videos and reports.

In the past fishing "the bite" has always been pretty UN-fulfilling...go here, drop this, reel in this, repeat...just like the other hundred people. Next time show up without a gaff, get that 30+lb fish yakside, gently slide ur fingers behind the gill plate and hoist that sucker on your lap, pat it on the tail and then toss it back while everyone else looks at you like :eek:.

I too harvested a big YT that day, but that memory has long since been overshadowed by the look on those yellows faces when I gently placed them back in the water and gave them a little push...they simply looked up at me, mouth still open in dis-belief while giving a little half hearted tail kick, obviously still expecting to be attached to something, followed by a closed mouth look of determination and a quick burst of speed. Thanks for sharing so much more than just "big fish pics" with us.

Sherm 01-11-2010 01:13 PM

Seeing your post Josh makes me realize I need to get out there with you again and learn some more. :reeling: Great write up.

JoeBeck 01-11-2010 01:40 PM

:luxhello::cheers1: Great writeup Josh very enjoyable to read. I was listening to slightly stupid while bombing down a 12,000ft peak this weekend in Sequoia.

Pescavore1 01-11-2010 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by -scallywag- (Post 49854)
and more importantly lots of purposely released fish thanks to your videos and reports.

Josh tried very hard to encourage me to experience releasing yellowtail when I hired him last year. The problem was, every yellowtail I caught while fishing with him was my personal best and I just could not get myself to do it. Not a bad problem to have, but I am determined to do it this year.

Great post, Josh. Maybe we'll write the C&R thing into the contract for the new year. :rolleyes:


joyjiggin' 01-11-2010 05:36 PM

Josh, awesome write up. Words of Wisdom to fish by.

blitzburgh 01-11-2010 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by dmrides (Post 49829)
Josh needs to be the director of the DFG, at least in Southern California. Think about it, he is on the water all the time and he knows and understands what it takes to reach a maintain a healthy ocean. He practices and shares the best fishing techniques for the health of our oceans. Seriously who needs the BRTF "science" when you have Josh out there monitoring what is going on?

DFG, I hope you are listening. If you want to protect places like La Jolla, have Josh, Paul, Tyler, Billy, etc... make a plan and the rest of us can be wardens. Talk about stewards of the ocean.

I second that! :iagree:

h2ofishfo 01-11-2010 08:22 PM

josh your pictures are doctored your writing sucks. u lie about how much you catch,you are exploiting la jolla, you are uncourteous & you never post your skunk days . sorry to much ball washing you are da man though !!!!!:notworthy:

wade 01-11-2010 10:41 PM

Respect La Jolla.


P.S. - What is the best way to Revive & Release a 40#+ Sea Bass after she comes up belly tired?
This is my next plan...

-scallywag- 06-21-2011 06:21 PM

Given resent events I thought this was good for a re-read....;)

FishinReelDeals 06-22-2011 01:19 PM

Very awesome!!!!

GBF 06-22-2011 10:32 PM

Thanks for the story Josh............great reading!!


carbonbass 06-23-2011 08:42 PM

just read this, your love of the ocean and prowess for this sport is incredibly inspiring, you love this to a point where it could be your job, and i hope it is, i dont want to be MJ when i grow up.... i want to be darkhorse... :jig:

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