Kayak Fishing Adventures on Big Water’s Edge

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PAL 11-11-2009 04:26 AM

Thank you
What a dreary outcome. Now that it's over I can finally speak freely.

That was one brutally lopsided, maniupulated, nearly hopeless fight. Between agenda driven science, constantly shifting goal posts, back room dealing and process changes in the dark of night, we were doomed from day 1.

Only you didn't get the memo. :you_rock:

As disappointed as I am in the unjust, excessive closure map we were dealt yesterday, and the lingering bitter taste of that unholy sacrifice of Malibu's Pt Dume (the local LJ) at the alter of LA politics and the disgusting wholesale giveaway of public access in Orange County , I am equally proud of our collective efforts.

You don't know half of the obstacles we faced. There's no such thing as a victory here, there never could have been, the only question was how badly we'd lose. And although I urge you to continue to fight this battle to the bitter end as we move to the Fish and Game Commission and possibly other arenas (:the_finger:), that we kept anything at all at La Jolla is a testament to your untiring and MLPAI-annoying refusal to go away.

You were such a persistant nusiance that a full-on La Jolla reserve evolved into a political non-starter. That it ended up south of Windnsea is a testament to your stubborness.

Anyone who's been to a meeting knows the truth of these words. You also know that kayak anglers and free divers out-worked and out-attended every other segment including the enviros. We've got something going here, a special community involvement. Although the ball carrier changes from time to time, there's a strong, solid team of winners personally taking responsiblity for preserving the values and freedoms we hold dear.

Thank you!

There were times during the last year that I was pushed to the absolute brink. Your support sustained me.

Every California kayak angler owes a debt of gratitude to those who endured the meetings, wrote the letters, lobbied the politicos, and donated $$$$ to the cause.

Chris Fierro, Tyler Webb, Billy V, Grego, Josh Rider, Kiyo and the Baytubers, Maggie and the OEX Crew all performed heroically. They were far from alone. Much gratitude.

A tip of the cap to all our other brother and sister anglers who stood with us shoulder to shoulder. Especially to Joe Nguyen, Jeff Sporcich, Joe Farlo, Paul Romanowski and the spearo troops. They are our close kin; it was great to finally get to know some of them. And Fishcatcher, our future, and the other kids who stood tall, you inspire us all.

That's it for now (this is alreay a novel). Gloves are off! Vent if you need to. Go fishing and let the bruises and scars heal. That's my plan. Hope to see some of you Dec 9 at the first Commission meeting. More on that in a few days.


kurt 11-11-2009 04:44 AM

Thank you for all your hard work, Paul. As much as I hated the meetings and this process, I was happy to be there fighting alongside a lot of good people. You know who you are.

When I went to my first meeting, a million years ago, I just hoped we would be able to keep areas open that were within reach of LJ Shores. When I look back at external map C, and compare it to what we ended up with, I think we were able to make a difference. To everyone who wrote letters, went to meetings, and worked on this in other way, thank you very much.

tylerdurden 11-11-2009 05:28 AM

Thanks Paul and all of our RSG members.


I don't know if we can ever repay you for what you have done.

Holy Mackerel 11-11-2009 06:53 AM

Paul, MJ, and everyone who spent any time fighting for us. You all have my gratitude, and respect!

Swampthing 11-11-2009 06:59 AM

Much Gratitude
I'm a waterfowl hunter and fisherman and am new to the kayak fishing game and this board. When I came to California from the South 15 years ago, a wildlife area manager from Fish and Game warned me that this kind of thing (MLPA) was on the horizon, and that people were dedicated to us never casting a line or taking game anywhere in this state. Man, he was not kidding.

Those of you who dedicated your time and tallent defending our lifestyle and rights have my respect and gratitude. I did what I was able to at the time, and I would like to join you and help out for the next round of actions, be it meeting with DFG or civil disobedience in the water.

Get some rest and thank you again. We owe you.

Grego 11-11-2009 06:59 AM

Caught this at the MLPA Fundraiser Tourney...remember?


Matt 11-11-2009 07:05 AM

Grego that photo looks a bit photo shopped:D hahaha just kidding!!

The fight isn't quite over boy and girls, we still have the dfg meeting, and possibly more(?)

Thanks to Paul et. al. and everyone that helped I was proud to stand by you all!!

Lots of fog in el norte dontcha think???:sifone:

Tman 11-11-2009 07:12 AM

Pal, thanks for your tireless efforts...:notworthy:

To all that helped to make a difference, be it attending meetings, letters, emails, postings, encouragement, damn we stood and fought.

It was easy to see from the onset the bull$hit they tried to feed us, guess they thought we would just give up...

I will have some gifts if you will for the enviros that lurk these boards...next fish I catch, I will put it out of its misery quickly, with PICTURES of how its done...many pictures...:the_finger:

Corey 11-11-2009 07:21 AM

What? Corrupt MLPA process? Who woulda thunk it?:doh:

Thanks Paul, MJ, all the other fishing RSG, & everyone (yakers, spearos, & PBers) who attended a meeting, sent an email, or anything else that helped the cause. We would have been screwed much worse without the huge effort from the fishing community. At least we did not just lay down & take it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go tie some 3/0 hooks on my sabiki. You can fish for macs with macs, right?:D

robmandel 11-11-2009 07:22 AM

Velcome comrades. You vill find it very nice here.


-scallywag- 11-11-2009 08:34 AM

Thanks Paul!!!

I loved the "outburst" questioning the definition source of "quality kelp"...then SAT's explanation of quality kelps?? substraits, media, low relief, high relief??
Couldn't they just say "its the same type of kelp growing on a different type of rocky bottom with less dropoffs"...but then i guess EVERYONE would know that the SAT is full of $h!t...i wonder if any of those fat cows have actually been on a boat with a sonar in the N.Pt loma/S.L.J areas let alone dive it!!! could you imagine seeing that fat SAT guy trying to get in a wetsuit:eek:

All of this reminds me of the "open and transparent public process based on scientific data" that was used to "relocate" millions of native americans when the Army Corp of Engineers and the Bureau of Reclamation went dam (the kind that creates a reservoir) crazy....that was in the 30's so this public anal raping process is nothing new, at least we forced them to use a dab of vasiline this time!

Willy 11-11-2009 08:58 AM

This land is your land (no it isn't)
This land is my land (liberal government)
From California, and the New York island
From the redwood forest, to the Gulf stream waters...
This land once belonged to you and me.

Great job all on fighting this one out.

Civil disobediance may be our last and only hope.
A massive protest after any closures take effect...hundreds of kayaks, boats, divers, fishermen go right into the new closure areas and fish fish fish in a show of force.

See you on the water,

Useful Idiot 11-11-2009 09:11 AM

We knew we were doomed from the get go, but if it wasn't for guys like Paul, MJ, Tyler, Chris, Billy V, you can be sure it would've been a lot worse. And the numbers of kayak fishermen that showed up to these meetings was unbelievable. Private boaters on other sites are admitting how indebted they are to us kayak fishermen for representing.

Let's hope the FGC is receptive to changes in the map. Perhaps a very specific email campaign to the FGC members is in order? I mean specific geography changes. Save the "closures are unfair" type of rhetoric, I think a direct, specific, united request for a select number of changes to the map would have the best chance of any impact. Thoughts from the pros?

kurt 11-11-2009 09:12 AM

We might have done better in the process if we hadn't all ceded our time to Grego to talk about his halibut!:the_finger:

dos ballenas 11-11-2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Useful Idiot (Post 47116)
I think a direct, specific, united request for a select number of changes to the map would have the best chance of any impact. Thoughts from the pros?

:notworthy: to everyone who made it to LA.

Only a few simple changes would need to happen. Allow pelagics is on the top of my list...

tylerdurden 11-11-2009 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Useful Idiot
I think a direct, specific, united request for a select number of changes to the map would have the best chance of any impact. Thoughts from the pros?
I agree. None of us are pros though, pros get paid. We had support for our lj and scripps suggestions. Most seemed to think they were minor and reasonable. Meg just thought it was drastic. A final fuck you to all of us.

habanero 11-11-2009 09:45 AM

Thank you Paul for your unrelenting sacrifice for this relatively small group of "consumptives".

It's not hard to imagine how much worse things would have turned out if the kayak community had not applied as much pressure as we did :mad:

We could have lost all access to what I consider the crown jewel for kayak fishing.
If restrictions on motorized boats only were on the table, I wonder what the opposition landscape would look like?:leaving:

newguy01 11-11-2009 10:54 AM

i thank you everybody that was on the meeting yesterday....

hrrr hrrr take all what you can and leave no prisoner hrrr hrrrr

Billy V 11-11-2009 12:18 PM

I'm only going to make a very brief statement regarding MLPA, and it pertains to "The People" who stood tall and fought for your rights.

I offer a sincere Thank You to every member of the Kayak and Spear Fishing Community that stepped up and fought to preserve our sport, and rights in the face of insurmountable odds.

You know who you are, and the list of names is too long for me to write this afternoon. I am taking some time to recover, and digest the information.

If you look at the before and after, Map "C" and BRTF Option 2 for San Diego, I think you will be able to clearly see where gains were made.
-If you delve deeper into the allowed uses in the smca (blue areas) you should be able to conclude the outcome.

The gains made in these areas against strong opposition were hard fought, and we want to preserve them. If possible, improve them.

Thanks Guys. Lets take some time to unwind and go do what we love.

Billy V

JoeBeck 11-11-2009 12:59 PM

:luxhello::luxhello::luxhello::luxhello: Agree, thanks everyone for all your work. We may have not got the outcome we desired but it is a whole lot better than it would have been if we didn't fight this F'd up process.

Time to enjoy some fishing, it is all currently open so get out there. :reeling::cheers1:

B Slate 11-11-2009 01:06 PM

Thanks to Paul, MJ and all the other stakeholders on our side. Thanks to everyone who faught the fight, wrote letters, informed others and came to meetings. We got screwed but if we did not show up the only place we would be able to fish would be Piers and military zones.

so cal shaggy 11-11-2009 01:14 PM

Thank you
Paul, it is we that all say thank you to you. You agreed to participate in a process that you knew would be difficult and no way to win but instead best case scenario we would still be able to fish some areas. I would also like to thank all of the rest of you. I forgot how tightly knit the kayak fishing community was. You all make me proud to be able to share the waters with all of you. You all have my eternal gratitude and the gratitude of the spearfishing community as well. We stood together shoulder to shoulder, kept each other motivated assisted each other even if we did not use the area that needed help and above all we never allowed wedges to be driven between our two groups. There were attempts in some of the shapes to sway some groups to adopt a certain shape in a specific area but they could not make us sell out each other. We now need to take some time to relax and lick our wounds. We should try to organize a joint kayak/spearo get together at either a beach location or other venue. Nothing specific just a gathering of the two groups to share stories, introduce each other to the others activity and just share the ocean together.

zenspearo 11-11-2009 02:20 PM


I echo everyone in saying that you are a real hero in all this. Thank you for your tireless work and more importantly, guidance and strategizing.

I will go so far as to say that all of SoCal fishermen and specifically all of San Diego fishermen from all communities owe you a huge "THANK YOU". Don't want to embarrass you but it is what it is. An outsider sometimes has a better view of things than people from the inside.

You brought visibility and a huge amount of respect to the small kayakfishing clan. Spearos, H/L, bloodydeckers, and commercials are all in awe of you and your band of kayakfishermen in this fight.

Thank you again Paul.

brandonplum 11-11-2009 04:33 PM

I don't think civil disobedience will do it, but I'll start there. Also, remember to write to your elected officials and let them know that you'll be voting against them because they failed to protect our rights.

I've taken three oaths in my life. One I reaffirm every Sunday at church. I'm a Lutheran and I believe in Jesus. Second, I have an oath to my wife, which I've upheld for 13 years and hope to uphold for 13 more at least. And finally, as a Soldier, I've sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

If only our elected officials would uphold the Constitution as well. Get ready for the continuing onslaught of degradation of your civil rights. Guns, hunting, any outdoor activities other than bird watching, anything that burns gasoline in the environment, anything that contributes to global warming.

Our fishing areas are only a small part of the changes that are occurring around us. At some point, we as outdoorsmen and women need to band together. Hunters, hikers, motorcyclists, anyone who does not believe in total preservation of resources needs to, MUST, band together. Otherwise, they will know us off one hobby at a time.

We need to think mid term elections and let the government know that we are interested and are willing to make a stand.

We need a coalition of groups to support each other. Without a significant number of voters we have no power.

Anyhow, let me know where to protest. Please don't hate me for the bit of soapbox bs at the start there.

yakrider 11-15-2009 01:01 PM

thank YOU Paul and MJ for all you have done for us!

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