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cabojohn 10-01-2010 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Suck me (Post 66347)
And the golden one, where you nimrods say you're moderate and sensible but threaten physical voilence.

no power snivlers

Wait, is this Stan's boy toy? Welcome and adios.

dorado50 10-01-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by dsafety (Post 66348)
Billy, I'm with you. Sometimes when a law is unjust, you just have to rebel. In the spirit of the Boston Tea Party, Rosa Parks and anyone who has ignored the 55 mph limit, I plan to continue fishing where I have been fishing should all of this crap become the law.

On another subject, I would like to gently suggest that all who have been calling our opponents Nazis, Socialists, Commies and other similar similarly degrading names interchangeably pick up a dictionary and figure out exactly what you want your insult to mean.

Nazis, (National Socialists), are really Fascists. The real socialists are on the other side of the political spectrum along with the Communists. I don't think you can be both a Nazi and a Socialist at the same time. I suspect that some have blurred the line between the these groups' political manifestos and the fact that both tend to support dictatorial rule.

I think that that is what I object to the most. When a small minority of people have the power to deny individual freedoms to the masses, the seeds of rebellion start to germinate. I think that we are at that stage now. Dictators rely on fear to keep the masses in check. That may not work with our group. If they push us too far, I have no doubt that some will start pushing back. Hopefully we can avoid that.


Thats exactly what socialist liberals believe in...and thats a very good definition there also Bob...

Gino 10-01-2010 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Suck me (Post 66346)
You idiots are too funny.

You bitch about being called biggots and then break out the homophobic slurs

You whine about freedom and then cheer the banning and complete sensoring of someone that doesn't agree with you.

You morons say you are a "diverse community" but talk down on any type of fishing that isn't yours.

Have fun with your little tea party circle-jerk, good on the MPLA for ignoring morons like you.

You had absolutely no intentions of having a respectfull conversation about this origional Topic of this post. I gave you more than enough chances. You were someone just looking to talk shit.

This Website is Owned by a buisness. They have the legal right to censor anything they want. Sorry. :luxhello:

Whos the one Ranting now... :doh::biggrinjester:

JoeBeck 10-01-2010 02:43 PM

LMAO Candy is back and wants to get sucked :hahaha:

Dan 10-01-2010 02:45 PM

Just FYI, it's spelled bigot, not biggot.

Grego 10-01-2010 02:57 PM

Yaayy...Candy Sucker is back...We Wuv Wu Weetie!!!!:luxhello:

tony 10-01-2010 03:09 PM

Enviro campaign video backfires big time....
A little too truthful ....


Gino 10-01-2010 03:20 PM

From my knowlege, As far as the Differance between Nazis and Socialist and such. has very little to do with political policies, and more to do with Philisophical beliefs. Were Communism is about he collective, tearing down all and any individual qualities, including religious.
Were Facism or Nazism (Nazi :National socialist workers Party) Does pretty much the same, but dictates individualism through Racial Identities.
Economic policies vary from differant examples. Were Nazi Germany had authority over German companies that were privately owned. Were as a Communist State, The State owns and operates all economic activities. Nazism was paracticed more like a Religion. It helped to shape Goverment and Economic policies, But the Nazi party and its rule during Germany were Socialist.

Thats what The Enviormentalist movement in this state as well as in the country is doing. They shape public and economic policy for the good of there movement. If a delta smelt a small fish is somewhat endangered and some Scientific report is conjured up saying so. The goverment shuts off the water flow from a Damn. Thats crippling Economic productivity and Destroying a community over a fish.
Thats just a single Example. The states AB32 bill could put Diesel Truckers out of work and a good amount of contruction. Over less than 1% of predicted Toxic Emissions... Thats a predicted estimate, and it could have no effect on the Enviorment, or global warming.

Thats very similuir to the MLPA, Its Enviormental Special intrests Funding public policy, along with the bending and breaking of rules and disregard for the general public, all to achieve a goal, with no real results.

Besides. The indoctrination these groups are doing to children... using Tax payer dollars bus school children into an MLPA meeting where the children have no say what so ever becuase They arent legal adults or Tax payers at that. But that level of indoctrination is very comparible to Hitler youth styles of teaching. Tearing down there individual thoughts and a capacity to think individually. All for an Ideaology.

In alot of ways its very easy to Equate the enviormental movement with Nazism. Becuase they have alot in common in how they operate and how they indoctrinate (educate if you see it that way) They preach Sacrafice, for a common good, and use Nazi style tactics to impose it on the rest.

"It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master." Ayn Rand

Matt 10-01-2010 11:18 PM

Thanks Gino at least you got it!!!

Kiyo 10-02-2010 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Gino (Post 65963)
Whitman is run by political advisors. What she will say in public and What she will say in private may be 2 differant things. (or even what shes saying in public for that matter)
Thats a Craps Table Dice roll...win big or bust.

Were as Jerry Brown is well connected with the political enviormental possey. His apointments to the Air/Carb board speak plainly enough. The guy seeks support from Unions and Enviormental influences. Besides why trust a man whos hands have been on the kiln shaping the mess this state is in. The guys been in CA politics for 40 years. Hes done nothing to stop it, what makes you think he will now? Hes never balanced a payroll in his life anyways.

Just look where the money is comming from, and whos contributing to whome. And youll have your answer to that question.

Ive said it before the next governor has the power to work on either sides behalf on this process. The State STILL doesn thave a budget for this year... It will be the least of the next Governors problems.

Gino... Jim Kellogg, who is the union pipe fitters president donated something like $500,000.00 to Jerry Brown. Jim Kellogg is also the president of the Fish and Game Commission and sides with Richards. I believe Jim Kellogg is a president of some hunting club too and loves fishing. This tells me to vote for Brown.

GregAndrew 10-02-2010 05:39 PM

Like someone else already stated, because of his actions in this process, I regret having cast a vote in the direction of Arne. It appears, by all the recent evidence, that he intends for this to be a moot point for the next governor anyway. He wants this to be his legacy and will cram it down our throats before Dec. recess, and to hell with reason. I would love to see the judge that required the BRTF to show all their work halt the process until everyone had a chance to chew it over.

I would not want to hazard a guess as to which of the candidates for the next governor would better meet our expectations. Nor do I expect anyone to cast their vote solely based on their interpretation of the candidates stance on the MLPA (or their stance on Unions). There are too many other very important considerations for each and every one of us in this state today. You gotta pick the package that is best for you and eat a little vinegar with your sugar.

I hope, at the meeting, we can all keep our heads and be on topic so that the other side appears to be what they are. They are the fanatics, the instigators, the liars and the ones that prey on the ill informed and those that could care less.

The fact is that there will be an MLPA process unless the voters repeal the law. There will be reserves and conservation areas which, unfortunately, will close some peoples favorite spots. But, what was in the passed law is a far cry from what we are being presented in the all but final product. Complete areas of consideration (like flora, pollution, etc.), all highly related, have been swept under the rug from consideration. Not to mention all the above mentioned back room and chopping block dealings that have been going on throughout the process. Seems to me that this is the weakest link in the chain, and the point most easily attacked.

Holy Mackerel 10-02-2010 07:42 PM

Oh boy, time to lock this thread......... :eek:

Gino 10-02-2010 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Kiyo (Post 66379)
Gino... Jim Kellogg, who is the union pipe fitters president donated something like $500,000.00 to Jerry Brown. Jim Kellogg is also the president of the Fish and Game Commission and sides with Richards. I believe Jim Kellogg is a president of some hunting club too and loves fishing. This tells me to vote for Brown.

That is all 100% true Kiyo

I was talking more along the lines of public employee unions. Even with those Contributions, Jerry Brown has pushed a very strong Green Agenda. So the contribution may have more to do with public works projects and future contracts aka work. Since the money came form the Pipe/steam fitters Union, and has little to do with Fishing rights. Jerry Brown is one man who does not back down on an Enviormental Agenda. The 405 and 5 freeways between 3-6pm are proof of that. Im acually a big fan of trade unions, But i think once they dibble & dabel into the political theater i think they have over reached there intented purpose. Trade unions and Public Employee unions are almost night and day in comparrison. I personally dont think public employees, employed by the taxpayers should be unionized. I could make a great case for it. And Jerry Brown orchestrated it during his first terms has governor (not that i was born yet)

Im not a fan of either Canidate, And I apologize if recently or in the past I may have sounded persuasive about the governors race.
I personally wont be taking part in picking the next governor. I honestly think that anyone who is capable of running this state effectively is acually to smart to want the job :biggrinjester:

CurtyL 10-04-2010 07:59 AM

dang, I missed one of the best threads ever. :mad: I guess old Stan got the boot. :cheers1:

Hunters Pa 10-04-2010 08:51 AM

Isn't Arnies private residence in Pacific Palisades, with a nice view? No wonder he sides with the Malibu celebs & Laguna elitists.

Caballito 10-04-2010 11:28 AM

I think "Suck Me" was responding to "Stan"...and was very correct in doing so!

"There once was a...." ...excellent!:ciao:

Tman 10-04-2010 07:47 PM

Ode to Stan, Part II
Usually people like my limericks, OK OK, I'll tone it down...

There once was an enviro named Stan
Who thought he would say all he can
He spewed bull$@!# around
And in the end he found
All his actions got him a ban!

Kesepton 10-05-2010 11:08 AM

I think I really need to be paying more attention to this... When I found this thread, I had to sit down and read the whole thing. Im sorry for not being there. Im on the team now.

But seriously... some people.


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